demand control中文什么意思

发音:   用"demand control"造句
  • demand:    vt. 1.要求,请求;需要。 2. ...
  • control:    n. 1.支配,管理,管制,统制,控 ...
  • demand for control:    控制权
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  1. With the assistance of the emsd , the gfs has installed a co - based demand controlled ventilation ( dcv ) system at their headquarters
  2. The purpose of load demand controls is to reduce fuel consumption and limit problems caused by light load operation of reciprocating diesel generator sets
  3. Through the use of water - cooled air - conditioning systems , high efficiency chillers , heat pumps , thermal wheels , high performance lighting systems and demand control systems etc . , we achieved an estimated annual saving of 108 , 000 mwh of energy in 2003
    透过使用水冷式空调系统、高效能冷冻机,热泵、热轮、高效照明系统及自动控制系统等,我们在2003年共节省了108 , 000兆瓦时的能源。
  4. Networks continue to lose audience share , and viewers ? especially many of the highly prized viewers under 30 years old ? are increasingly demanding control of their program choices , insisting on being able to watch shows when , where and how they want


  1. demand commissions 什么意思
  2. demand competition 什么意思
  3. demand concept 什么意思
  4. demand cone 什么意思
  5. demand constraint 什么意思
  6. demand creation 什么意思
  7. demand curbing measure 什么意思
  8. demand currency 什么意思
  9. demand curve 什么意思
  10. demand curve of loanable funds 什么意思


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